It was just a month ago... Delhi's head had already started drooping in shame...With allegations of officer and officer being corrupt, crores of rupees gone, where no one knows... Deadlines being missed, bridges crashing, ceilings falling apart, dogs in the village, snakes in the tennis court, betel stains all over the place, floods adding to the chaos, the threat of dengue laundering over the city, games lane opposition, traffic snarls,athletes threatning to pull out, shooting of visitors at tha jama masjid contracts not given out and what not... Nothin seemed to be going India's way...
Over and above this the never ending threat of a terrorist attack. I was one of the greatest believers of the attack and i was almost sure it would happen. Not supporting them but the hoardes of foreigners thronging the city were a very easy target to gain worldwide attention. The bad guys have been silent since the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. They generally dont seem to be so silent. Was it the silence before the storm and thats what strengthened my belief of an attack.
The media had already torn the games apart and if given the option Mr Kalmadi would have been hanged to death even before the games began (not that he is in any better position after the games)
But then something miraculous happened. All the fears, just remained fears. We entered onto the scene just like a Salman Khan entry in Dabbangg...With a bang.... The Opening Ceremony caused the whole world to sit up and take notice... The 70 crore balloon which had invited the wrath of one and all, just stole the show...
Traffic was not an issue at all, the events began on time..The village turned out to the best the athletes had stayed in till now. The weather turned fine, not a drop of rain... Dengue seemed to have found a solution for itself. Stray dogs and snakes were taken care off. No stadiums collapsed, no floors caved in...
Over and above it went of as safe as ever. No attacks, no blasts, no hostages... Surprising...
And the icing on the cake was the Indian performance....2nd position, 100+ medals, 38 gold medals.. They just took the game by storm...
Now with the games over, Delhi is back to normal... Accusations have begun, enquiries have started, the blame game is on again... But there is one satisfaction, when it required most, somehow some way, Delhi and India pulled it off... Great going guys....