Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why are guys the way they are ???

Hey everyone,
Girls always ask why are guys so, why are they so immature and childish. Why is it that in reality they are so practical and stuff and when it comes to maintaining a relationship and a girlfriend do they become so impractical and childish...

The answer lies in one scene of the movie HUM TUM. There you see Abhishek Bachchan explaining this very same funda to Saif Ali Khan. He tells him that even though physically girls may not be as strong as men but emotionally (pointing to his heart) they are much stronger than us. He continues by saying that men may look very strong from outside but inside all of them is a kid who fears to grow up.

Ya guys and gals its true, we know the moment when we grow up we are expected to take responsibility and expected to be strong to face the hardships for life but internally we want to continue living that tension free life, where we are ones cared for.

Thats why when we come across someone who loves us, this childish side of us jumps to the situation of showing itself. Thats why, girls, at times you find your boyfriends childish, immature and impractical. They care for you all the time, at times they want to be cared for. They pamper you all the time, at times they want to be pampered.

And at these moments, the girlfriends lose their cool. "You werent so earlier, whats happened to you now." "I dont expect my boyfriend to be such a kiddo" Its just that guys get tired of putting that macho mask on themselves and they feel they can reveal their true selves to you. So next time you face something like this, remember my post, and just that stroke of your hand on their head or that sweet word or two would make their day. Its nothing more that we demand...


  1. somehow don agree
    but will try to look into this perspective as well

  2. hmmmm....if its true then will keep that in mind

  3. haha..well said..but wud agree only partially..coz most of the guys prefer showing their macho styles rather than their kiddish attitude in front of girls..but still would keep ur point in mind d next time..

  4. i agree few of your post,and u write direct dil se..!
