I hit upon a wonderful documentary on youtube, aired on BBC it was called THE STORY OF INDIA. India, the land of the golden bird, has been there for 10s of 1000s of years. It all started from the migrations of the first people on the earth, from modern day Africa to the coasts of South India, modern day state of Kerela. This was around 10000yrs ago, much before the existence of the other tribes worldwide and much much before the Pyramids of Egypt.

Around 5000yrs ago, the Indus Civilisation was the Manhatten of that age. With Harappa and Mohenjadaro, the 2 major cities of that time, it was a land of traders and great progress. They were much ahead of their times. The death of this civilisation can be accounted to climate and environment change.

The next phase, the phase of language and literature, came with the advent of the Aryans, on the banks of the river Ganges. The language Sanskrit evolved and kingdoms sprung up. Researches have shown a great similarity between the Sansrkit, Greek and Latin languages. Further research revealed the origin of Aryans to somewhere near Turkey from where people moved, some towards Europe and some towards India. This was around 1500Bc. This was the time of the longest poem in the world, The Mahabharata. The tale of the Pandavas and Kauravas also gives us the solution to every problem in the world, The Bhagwad Gita.

This was the phase, according to history, where we end the myths and where we start modern, factual history. Over the next 3000 years, people from all over the world came to India, the mughals, the turks, the portuguese, the french, the english. India cast its spell on all and went on to absorb and adjust with all. But the greatest thing of it all was that it retained its identity, India and its culture.
With the huge number of attacks and wars, the golden bird of yesteryear lost its place but we are back, back with a vengeance. The times of the West are over, India is back, to capture its long lost glory. From being the first superpower to being the next superpower. The Golden Bird is flying again !!!
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