Yesterday the 6 of us were back into the discussion mode and this time i got cornered due to wrongly formed questions and statements. The topic was SPIRITUALITY OR RELIGION??
We say that the world, the galaxy and the universe was made by the same person. By default lets assume it to be GOD. That means the one who made the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians were all made by this GOD. Then why do we keep fighting for more power and territory over the other religions.
These people who keep fighting they talk as if the Hindu dominated regions were made by Ram, the middle east by Allah and the west by Jesus. You tell me does it make sense. When the whole world is made by one and when basically all the religions say the same thing then why, a capital WHY, are we fighting?
Why i support spirituality is that today religion has become a means of polictical gain and personal interest. Even the guys who are creating the problem know that one and all are the same but personal benefit in sight, so go ahead fight. Stop this shit, humans. Why are you fighting against the very same person whom your very own Ram, Allah or Jesus created.
I personally believe there is this Superior Power who guides us. I wont give him a name because then religious fanatics would take offence that this Superior Power is Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion.
I dont say religion is wrong but the way it is being used and manipulated is wrong. Please realise the mistake and stop before the destruction of the world becomes inevitable.
what is it that has made man so materialistic in life? why is it that all that counts as of today is personal benefit and money? why is everything from love to learning being calculated in monetary terms?
Be it politicians. They promise the world to u but then keep the world for themselves. In businesses the shareholders and customers are supposed to be the king but them something like Satyam, a Mr Raju comes along and takes all away. Why? Why do humans forget that 50 yrs down the line when u are on ur deathbed all this money, all the cars and the land u have bought and all the buildings u have built wont be able to save u. and when u do die then all this is gonna be left behind. u are not gonna take it along to your next life. if life was cumulative in nature i would surely have finished my studies all in one life, earned millions in another and the rest would have enjoyed luxuriously but friends life is not that way.
then y do people need so much that it becomes a headache. less money causes a pain and even more more money causes one since then u r worried, "what if i lose it". so just keep that much how much u need to live a good life and earn as much as necessary.
people go to any extent to earn money, they dont care if they method they adopt is right or wrong. at this point let me share with u a story my mom once told me. " a man was earning enough money to survive and one day he got an offer to earn triple that amount but the work to be done wasnt morally right. he goes to his mother and explains the situation to her. she says, " son i am illiterate and dont understand these things of this world. all i know is that every morning when i come to wake u up u r fast asleep and it takes me ages to wake u up. dont do anything that someday i come to ur room and u r awake due to worry n tension. thats all i will say"
This simple story has such a huge meaning in it. There is life beyond materialism and monetarism. Thats a life of love, learning and enjoyment. Go out recognise the life beyond, use it to the fullest, enjoy every moment and just chill.
I walked around the corner towards the bus stop. And as the bus stop appeared i saw HER. There she sat with her friend waiting for the bus. I walked across the road, my eyes glued on her. I reached the stop, she looked up( man those eyes) and smiled. "Bonjour", i said. She replied. I walked past her to see the bus timing. There were still 5 minutes for the next one. The fragrance she had put on was mindblowing. I took my place on the other end of the bus stop while she continued talking to her friend. I couldnt help looking at her. Those hair, those eyes, that light make up, man she was beautiful. Suddenly she turned and our eyes met each others. I couldn't help looking away. She smiled and went back to her chatting. In the next 5 minutes a 1000 thoughts ran through my mind. Who was she, where did she stay, what did she do, what was her name, i knew nothing.
The bus arrived. I got in through the front door while she entered from the last one. I bought my ticket and took a place from where i could clearly see her. Those expressions, those words that left her mouth, that laugh, Gosh how many men would have died for this. I was too engrossed in her beauty to realise that time flew. The bus stopped at a stop and she got up. " hey u cant go like this. I dont even know u yet. I have so much to tell u, so much to hear from u" but she didnt listen to even one thing my heart said. She got off the bus. The bus started moving and i strained my neck to see as far as i could. The bus turned right and that was the last i saw of her.
I dont know who she was but all i know is she walked off that bus directly into the pages of my blog to be immortalised for ever. This reminds me of the poem i read long ago, " She Walks In Beauty"
Disclaimer- This is a purely non-fictional piece of work and any resemblence to any person living or dead is purely intentional"
As I walked home today, I again had the opportunity to sit at Place Wilson for around 10-15 min. There at the other end a father was teaching his son cycling. After sometime he himself got onto the cycle and had a ride, to the delight of his 7 yr old son. This morning I had gone swimming and a similar scene brewed there. A father was giving his son a ride on his back while the son waved as a victorious king riding his horse. This bond that I have witnessed in this lovely country is something that has touched my heart, the son n dad love.
This further touches me bcoz I missed all this. Having stayed away from dad since I was 4 was something that I always missed. Those arguments, those thrashings, those lovely moments, those encouraging statements, I missed them all. Never felt really bad about it since as far as my memory went I was always away from him. If I had been older maybe it would have surely affected me more. But yes there were times when I missed his presence, especially when I saw other kids enjoying with their family.
I still remember the first time I cried for this reason. The year was 1994. I was playing with 2 friends of mine, both brothers. Suddenly their mom called them as they had to go somewhere. The dad got the car out, all sat in and drove out of the gate, the sons waiving at me frantically from the back seat. The first time I shed a tear, I missed him.
Always would have loved to have those family outings, those family dinners, when a dad sits on the dinner table and asks, “So son how was your day”. Never mind since this experience of mine has made me what I am. I understand how important and how valuable parents are.
There have been times when I see my friends complain, “I don’t like my dad. All he does is interfere with my life and all he does is scold me.” And all I would say is “I would die for that 1 moment”. For all this while even though I stayed away from him, I never made that effort to strengthen our relationship, even on the phone.
I still took him for granted till that fateful 2 yrs back. The deadly phone call, “Dad had passed away”
And then it all dawned on me. Shit man, why didn’t I give him the importance that he deserved? Why didn’t I be a good son, even though I stayed away from him? WHY???
Dad it’s been 2 yrs since u have gone. I miss you and I wish I could get just one chance to prove that I am not a bad son after all. I still remember that dream a year ago. I was at my brother’s place. I saw Dad sitting at the other end of the room. All I did was fall into his lap and cry. I cried and cried all the while just asking for one chance and all that Dad said was, “Son it’s ok” and he was gone.
For quite some time I tried to decipher the meaning of this dream till I finally spoke to my best friend, Pooja. I narrated the whole incident to her and all she said was “Sampark, Dad has forgiven u. You have realised where u went wrong, thats enough for him. The only reason he came was to put u at peace.” I don’t know what she said was right or wrong but it was enough to put me out of my misery
I believe that Dad did come that day and I thank him wholeheartedly. Don’t know where you would be today but wherever u are I just wish you are happy. And I just hope that someday in your next life, you come across this blog of mine and read it. That’s highly improbable I know but that’s a son’s heart that speaks.
And Dad a promise to you today, “I will never let your down. Whatever expectations you had from me, I will fulfil all. I will make you proud.”
Last night as we sat at home, we had the discussion of a lifetime. For once, an i really mean, for once, Ashok and me were on one side and poor Aishwarya on the other. Mayank and Eshan played the silent spectators. Sunil, sadly, was too busy studying. Alas, he would always regret missing this debate.
The topic of discussion: What is love?
For all u guys who dont believe in the craziness of love, stop reading here itself and wait for my next post.
As Ashok rightly said, where logic ends, love begins. Aishwarya counter fights saying its all about care. But the appropriate reply, the moment when u care beyond logic is love
Yes guys, love is all about the crazy phase in life where u do all those stupid little things, which later u laugh upon. It is about sitting hours on the phone, talking about nothing relevent. Then u take an hour to keep down the phone, saying "u first" and "no, u first". Even when u finally do manage to keep down the phone only to call up 2 minutes later to say "I LOVE U"
Its about keeping those little memories together. Those sweet wrappers that u collect, those sms' that u dont delete, those little love notes that u pass around, that touch, that smile, u store them all up to look up every moment of life.
People say that all this is hollow talk. It seems hollow till love fills them up. Love is the most beautiful feeling that u can ever feel. Even though u may be having the worst time of ur life , u would feel that life couldnt have been any better. Its that time when just 1 smile or 1 look can just make ur day.
Those dried roses, those paper hearts forever n ever will carry the essence of love. Someone has rightly said, "If u have love, u have everything, But if u dont have love, it doesnt matter what else u have"
I had written this article last evening on my way home but I wasn’t able to post it due to no access to net.
It’s 7.50 pm, I am on my way home but as I cross Place Wilson I decide to sit on one of the benches there. I take a seat under a pink cherry blossom tree. There in the distance behind the building the sun is getting ready to pack up for the day. On my left, leaving a few benches, sits a couple discussing something from a sheet of paper. On my right, sit another couple, too engrossed in their kissing to even notice that I am putting them on my sheet of paper. Across the fountain an elder couple walks home, hand in hand. Seems like the whole city of Dijon is in love. As I write this 2 pigeons appear out of nowhere and land in front of me. Don’t tell me these 2 are also in love....
The weather around, the calm chilly breeze, the setting sun, the trees with their new, bright green leaves, the cherry blossom trees all seem to blend with the environment as everything seems to be giving vibes of love.
In the next 15 minutes that I sit there, loads of love filled couple cross my existence. Some just hold hands and walk along. This guy keeps troubling his girl who just seems to love it.Some just cycle away into time.
Man y am I the only one not in love? I also wanna love somebody and spend time with someone? And then out of nowhere it dawn cracks, lightning strikes and my eyes open to a completely different world. I too was in love. YES guys I am in love too. Love all around me had finally gripped me.
Now the next valid question would be. In love with whom?
Thats simple. Love with the beauty of life, with this love filled country, love with beauty of nature, with the setting sun, with the miracle of life, with every creation that God so beautifully designed, with the breeze that races thru my hair, with everyone else who is also in Love.
i sitting in the lobby of ESC Dijon desperately trying to think of something to write on but nothin seems to strike. My mind races thru all the things which i feel can be written about. Nothing seems interesting enough but then i suddenly realise just to get a topic to write upon so many things, so many people have flashed thru my mind in these 5 minutes and i had got my topic
Have u ever thought how many people do u meet over ur lifetime. Those kids that u played with when u were 2-3 yrs old. dont even remember their names. Then it was school time and over those 12 yrs u met numerous number of people. Ur teachers, ur tutors, ur friends parents. God knows where they would be now.
Think about it there would surely be that shopkeeper who would smile at u when u passed his shop everyday, the bus driver who dropped u home from school daily, the newpaper guy who would wave out to u as u stood on ur window.
There were all those friends of ur parents who would come pull ur cheeks n say," u have grown up fast" And i am sure u felt like landing a tight slap across their face.
And then there would have surely been ur share of puppy love. I have had many. That attractive girl who would sit at the other end of class. And u would look at her and dream of life after both of u get married. You would think of instances where she would be in trouble and u like super hero would go save her. (i actually picturised such things in the classroom while the teacher was busy teachin)
And then when u would carry out those wonderful pranks on others or ur share of mischief. when u burst a cracker in ur neighbours backyard or when u drew a spoof of ur teacher on the blackboard. When u would reach school late, to jump over the wall and reach the class before others did.
Those times when i would sneak out of bed to watch the cricket match between India n West Indies. Mute the TV as soon as possible and stand with the remote, on the lookout for the slightest noise to switch the TV off and disappear.
Those cycle races, those imitating the teacher, those throwing the glass of milk in the wash basin, those days when used to copy from our partners during exams.
There come phases in life when everything just seems to go wrong. or it might just be that day where from the word GO all seems to go wrong. At this time, we see people cribbing about "y me?" "everyone is so happy. but y am i facing all this crap."
So my fellow dear humans at such points y do we forget that its not u only who is facing problems. Everyone, and i mean each n everyone, is tensed and worried about something in life. Someone's job is not good enough, someone is having personal problems with his spouse, someone's kids arent doing well at school, someone is angry at his favourite cricket/soccer team for losing every match of the season, someone is angry at the government, someone at the neighbour, someone at his boss. So u see guys, life is all about overcoming n facing these problems.
The main challenge for us is to see the beauty of life through these minor challenges. When was the last time u bought a balloon, when was the last time u climbed a tree, when was the last time u gave someone a rose. So guys get off that chair, go out, say hello to people, help that guy in need, notice the leaves on the tree and share their liveliness. Give ur mom a hug n a rose and say "I LOVE U". Thank ur dad for all that he has done.
Be happy, enjoy and keep smiling, always n forever...................................
hey guys....this post is my best friend's reaction to my previous post "24 days in heaven"
i will post it the same way as she had sent it to me... over to my best friend, POOJA
"u know its kinda similar 2 what i felt in Delhi.sure it was no france. it was dilli but the fun i had,friends made,experiences shared was amazing. i didnt change that much in the last 3yrs but definitely i am not d same person. sum perspectives have changed. its quite natural what u feel.u wanna cum bk home but u dont want 2 leave france.out there u must b missing india like hell. once here u will be missing france. its this way u do move on in life.thats how life goes.wen i was about 2 leave dilli i was sadddd.didn feel lik leavin,m clg,dose corridors, irfans ki chai maggi,kamala nagar.i miss dem. i luk bk on dose days. i cherish dose memories bt i dnt wanna live in d past. wont njoi m present den.u wl cum bk2 india ,luk bk on dose fun filled days, kp lukin at dose photos. it wl bring a smile2 ur face.
bt i also think dat if i wud hav continued livin m clg life after say lik 3 more yrs i wud hav bin bored of as dey say" change is d only constant thing in life".after sum yrs u wud also fl bored of d sam thing. nw u wl b bk. wl catch up wid ur frenz here. go bk2 ur coop store, imt campus,nu rums, internship at pepsi,studyin in d nu semester,raggin juniors,gtn a gud job. den wrkin, facin competition,politics,fallin in luv,gtin married ans so on and so u c u hav so many things on hand.xcitin nu things yet2 b done in life.
so cheer up and lik fwd wid obvious pleasure 4 d lovely memories of d past.
hey even i can lecture!!!!!!!!!!! :)" Thanx a million POO.....Thanx for being there whenever i need u and keep the reactions flowing.
For others reading this....Poo is the best friend anyone can get. In short she is a sweetheart.
There are loads of questions i have thought over the last 22 yrs that dont seem to have an answer....
How did this earth come into existence.... u would give me a scientific explanation that gases and integration blah, blah, blah but now tell me how did these gases n all come into existence.
Y is the sky blue and not any other colour ? how do trees come into existence and y do they grow the way they do? y dont they grow upside down or in mid air? how did gravity come into existence?
Y r humans with 2 hands and 2 legs n not more? who made the design for the human body? who decided that we would have 206 bones and not more or less? who decided that mammals will be born alive and not thru eggs? y is an egg oval n not cube or cuboid?
now coming to trees and plants? how to they grow leaves and how to they make food thru photosynthesis? y do they shed leaves in winter?
y is water wet and y does it flow? who decided the colours things are gonna be? y are plants green and y is blood red?
All these questions may have scientific explanations but for those scientific explanations also there may be another question cropping up regarding its existence.
Can the answer be GOD? But then another question.....How did God come into existence?
Here i sit in the library at ESC Dijon, France, 1000's of miles away from home. The date is 16th of April. 24 days from now i.e. 10th May i would be back on the Qatar Airways flight to New Delhi.
I will be back to my world, my India but would life ever be the same. Numerous questions are running through my mind. On one hand i wanna go back home, to mom, to my friends, to my India but on the other hand its like, once i go back will i ever come back here, to Dijon, where i spent some of the best days of my life. That house, 28 Rue Gambetta, that road, Place Wilson, Rue de liberte, ESC dijon all have become such an integral part of life.
The people that i have met?? Hardcore discussions with Ashok?? Pulling Aish's leg,?? Fighting who has to do the cooking?? Who has to do the dishes?? Fighting to save every Euro?? Admiring the babes on the road with Mayank?? Deciding and planning with Eshan n Sunil??
Man i gonna miss this all..... There are 100's of faces in ESC which recognise me at least by face.... will i ever see them again... how many of these friendships will i take back home.... how many of these people will even remember 1 yr down the line that i even existed... Is there even one who would??? Hope so...
6 months earlier had never thought that would get a chance to go abroad so soon.... let alone live for 4 mths... now as these 4 months are about to end i am in a dilemma... One side of me misses home and wanna go back desperately and the other side says," Sampark dont go back.... What abt those wonderful memories, what about those wonderful times, will u let go of them so easily."
So today guys i promise, whatever happens in life, at least once, i will come back to France, to Dijon, to ESC, to 28, rue gambetta, to the world that taught me life, to the world that gave me the best memories of my life
and today i say " WINTER N SPRING OF 09, THOSE WERE THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE" and a tear rolls down my cheek......
And one thing is sure, " The Sampark that flew out of India on 16th January 2009 wont be the same as the Sampark who flies in on the 11th of May"
Now i wont talk about people very individually but as and when they come to mind.
Lets talk about the other Indian friends that i have made here. The maximum time if spent would be the guys from IMT Ghaziabad. Agraj, Ankur, Shivam, Dipin n Priya. Had the most wonderful Holi party with them. Agreed the first time i met them didn't find them very friendly enough but as time passed they turned out to be great friends. The time that we spent with Ankur in Paris was gr8 and then Ankur n Agraj in Cannes and then the last day at the Parc. Agraj, i will never forget the name u gave me "Bimar Premi". Now that u guys are no more in Dijon, we all miss ur presence.
Kamilah, the best person that i have met here. She is from the USA but still remember the first day i had seen her. So extrovert and so confident of herself she was the one who went out to each and every person making friends. Doubt that anyone in the world wouldnt love her. Karolina was another great friend that i made here. She is from the Czech Republic. First time had seen her sitting in the row in front of me during the orientation. An introvert by nature, but a great person once u get to know her. Had shared great moments with her chatting and working on Business Creativity. Yagmur and Gulcin from Turkey, Tjasa and Lea from Slovenia, Weronica from Poland. Never got a great chance to know them but the party that we had and the moments that we have shared will stay forever.
Met two wonderful couples here who potray the true meaning of love. Kassy n Kwstas from Greece and Jan n Barbora from the Czech. Amongst the French havent found too many great friends but one i would surely like to mention is Kamelia. Was there in my Management group but have had wonderful discussions with her on wine , France n India
3 months have passed in this beautiful country and have met many 100's of people here. So today let me introduce u to the friends that i have made in this wonderful life changing trip.
First of all let me introduce u to the 5 people i live with. Have shared wonderful moments with them, chatting, cooking, travelling or just as simple as pulling each others legs.
ESHAN- a very simple guy who gets angry sometimes but a great person at heart. Somebody who can skip his plan to go to Paris just to stay with me when i was ill would surely be a wonderful guy. From him have learnt loads of things about simple living. Plus meri tarah he doesn't run after every girl.
MAYANK- Doesnt like me talk about love at all. You should see his expression when i utter the word love. Have rarely seen him get angry. Understands all my double meaning PJ's and a great confidant. He's gonna be my future roomie next yr.
ASHOK- We call him the walking encyclopedia. Any topic, any statistic, any information, he knows. We dont look eye to eye on many topics but have learnt loads from him. Seeing him i have started reading about various things i never even thought of. Be it Area 51 or be it Indian Politics he's the man. And for your information seems like gonna jump into politics soon.
AISHWARYA- The lone girl amongst us 6 and the one whose leg we pull the most. Is totally HS but still has taught me how to be a complete sport. No matter how much we pull her leg, she takes it all so sportingly without feeling bad any time. Hats off girl.
SUNIL- The health freak, the one who troubles Aishwarya the most. We love pulling his legs when he posts comments on facebook or orkut. The foodie amongst us who doesnt eat anything unhealthy. Man i personally cant live without Junk food, coke n fries.
Never cry in love, bcoz for the one u r crying doesnt deserve ur tears.......and the one who really deserves them, will never let u cry
Woh humme nahi mile, iska humme gham nahi..... Gham toh unko hona chahiye, jinki kismat mein hum nahi
Zaroori nahi jeene ke liye sahara ho, Zaroori nahi hum jiske hai woh hamara ho..... Kuch kashtiyan doob bhi jaaya karti hai, Zaroori nahi har kashti ke liye kinara ho (its a sad statement but connected to love after all)
Raat kya dhali sitare chale gaye, gayero se kya mile apne chale gaye......Jeet to sakte the ishq ki baazi hum bhi, par unhe jitaane ke liye, hum haarte chale gaye
Kuch kuch hota hai, tum nahi samjhogi....
Main aur meri tanhai, aksar yeh baatein karte hai......
Some of these quotes would be taken from movies and other references but what you need to understand the meaning that it holds within
Whatever level you reach, getting better never stops. - Adidas advertisement
Haso, jiyo, muskurao.....kya pata Kal Ho Na Ho( laugh, live and smile... you never know, tomorrow may not come) -The movie " Kal ho na ho "
It's your life....Make it large - Royal Stag advertisement
On your deathbed you don't regret what u did, you regret what you didn't do- so guys go do whatever ur heart says, dont fear the outcome for u shouldn't regret not doing it
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
This is a very important topic which i would have to review once i head back to India. Since have been free the whole day today thought y not think over this right now itself. Always knew that if i see bookish knowledge wise this trip would be a waste but in the practical sense this trip has taught me loads...
The most important thing that i have learnt is how to live with 5 other people in the same house. Man, it is difficult. 6 people, 6 different views of looking at things, 6 different ways of doing things. But it has taught me loads about adjustment, compromising and understanding
Another great benefit of this trip has been that i have, finally, learnt cooking. At least survive karne ke liye toh i can make now. Be it all from roti to chawal to sabzi, i can manage.
How to manage a house. The dustbin is overflowing, the dishes are dirty, the clothes need to be put out for drying, there is dirt everywhere. Things which i never, ever thought abt earlier. But now... I know my future wife is gonna be really happy to know all this
Now moving out of the house. Seeing the people here in Europe has opened my eyes to a completely new way of looking at life. The amount of time that parents spend here with the kids is just fantastic. Be it cycling, roller skating or playing soccer, Parents here give quality time to their kids. Work is important but more important than family, never.
The educational system here emphasis more on practical training rather than theoritical knowledge. For us, we have just a summer training for 2 months, these guys have to do 6-8 months throughout their masters. For us exams are the ultimate test where u just eat n vomit the book. Here grades are on basis of practical work u do.
French are very open to others and their freedom of expression. Be it living in with ur boyfriend/girlfriend or kissing openly. If you love someone whats wrong if u stay together. As mature adults you have the right to live the way u want. No organisation or political party has the right to teach u the way to live. For Indians since these things are restricted they put too much importance to it. Here its as normal as any other factor of life
Before coming to France loads of people told, "French are really hostile towards foreigners. They would talk in French even though they know English". But all this stereotyping ended once i came here. The most helpful people i have come across have been in France. Be it Pascal, whom i met in Besancon (he was out for a walk but ended up showing us the whole city for over 5 hours) or the sales woman at the SFR showroom (not knowing english she called up her friend who acted as interpreter on the phone) or our own landlady (the freedon that we got plus the first trip to the supermarket with her plus the dinner that she hosted). Hats off to all the wonderful people that i have met in this wonderful country.
Everything is a learning experience. Nothing happens without a reason. So its up to u to see the positive side of the thing, learn from it and let it pass. Even if it is like taking a new route to office or cooking something different it teaches u something new. People during times of trouble feel y is this happening with me, what they dont see is that they have learnt one more way of not doing the thing.
Guys learn to see everything from a positive perspective. If u break up with your girlfriend that also teaches u loads of things like dont be possessive or dont be emotionally dependent on someone. Ur learning depends on ur way of looking at the event. The more positive ur outlook the more u learn.
Learning is the main aim of the soul. That is y it takes birth. To learn so that it moves onto the next plane. According to research there are 7 such phases before the soul finally obtains Nirvana. Everytime u take birth it is with a blueprint ready to learn. Once the soul has fulfilled the objective of each birth it passes for heavenly abode, to prepare and take birth again to continue its learning. I know this has got too spiritual but thats the
Guys at times u feel that in spite of all the good that you do, you are not getting the results. Dont lose hope. Whatever you do will come back, in whatever form, at whatever time.
If not in this life but may be in the next. Thats the funda of Karma.
So guys dont hurt anyone, dont cheat on someone, dont be inconsiderate towards others bcoz whatever you do will come back.
Every person who walks into ur life is thr to teach u something. Once God feels that he has taught u whatever he has to, he will walk away. Be it ur parents, your girlfriend, your friends. Whatever the person hasnt taught u in his presence his going teaches u the rest.
Take the case when Dad left. Never gave him the importance that he deserved. But when he left i realised that if i wanted i could have shared a different relationship with him. All i needed was 1 call a month. That's it. So what did i learn... "Never miss an opportunity to let someone know how much he/ she means to you. You never know you may never get another chance."
So guys grab this opportunity this very moment. Go tell people that u love them, thank them for their love and care and give them a hug. After all Jaadu Ki Jhappi makes a hell of a difference.
At this point would like to share a poem with u which i had read abt an year back at TEA SHOP, Noida
"If i knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep
If i knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door I would give u a hug n kiss and call u back for just one more
If i knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise I would tape each word and action and play them back throughout my days
If i knew it would be the last time I would spare an extra minute or two To stop and say "I Love U" Instead of assuming you know i do
So just in case tomorrow never comes and today is all I get I'd like to say how much I love u and I hope we never will forget
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, And today may be the last chance u get to hold ur loved one tight
So if you are waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, You'll surely regret the day
That you didn't take the extra time for a smile, a hug or a kiss and you are too busy to grant someone what turned out to be their one last wish
So hold your loved one close today and whisper in their ear that you, love them very much and you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say "I'm sorry" "Please forgive me" "Thank you" or "it's okay" And if tomorrow never comes you'll have no regrets about today "
Always give your 100% in ur relationship so that later u dont regret giving less than u should have. whatever u do never hurt a girl who truly loves you. Never take advantage of any such true love. It breaks someones heart n confidence in the sacred word called LOVE.
Never hang on to a relationship just for the heck of it. If you are not happy in a relationship just walk out. At times people dont walk away just with the fear that the other person will get hurt. Even though they arent happy they care for the others happiness and hang on
But have u ever thought that if you yourself arent happy, can u keep someone else happy. Absolutely not. So guys just make sure the moment u feel that u have given ur cent per cent and still u arent happy, the best option at this time is go. In the long run it surely helps...