Here i sit in the library at ESC Dijon, France, 1000's of miles away from home. The date is 16th of April. 24 days from now i.e. 10th May i would be back on the Qatar Airways flight to New Delhi.
I will be back to my world, my India but would life ever be the same. Numerous questions are running through my mind. On one hand i wanna go back home, to mom, to my friends, to my India but on the other hand its like, once i go back will i ever come back here, to Dijon, where i spent some of the best days of my life. That house, 28 Rue Gambetta, that road, Place Wilson, Rue de liberte, ESC dijon all have become such an integral part of life.
The people that i have met?? Hardcore discussions with Ashok?? Pulling Aish's leg,?? Fighting who has to do the cooking?? Who has to do the dishes?? Fighting to save every Euro?? Admiring the babes on the road with Mayank?? Deciding and planning with Eshan n Sunil??
Man i gonna miss this all..... There are 100's of faces in ESC which recognise me at least by face.... will i ever see them again... how many of these friendships will i take back home.... how many of these people will even remember 1 yr down the line that i even existed... Is there even one who would??? Hope so...
6 months earlier had never thought that would get a chance to go abroad so soon.... let alone live for 4 mths... now as these 4 months are about to end i am in a dilemma... One side of me misses home and wanna go back desperately and the other side says," Sampark dont go back.... What abt those wonderful memories, what about those wonderful times, will u let go of them so easily."
So today guys i promise, whatever happens in life, at least once, i will come back to France, to Dijon, to ESC, to 28, rue gambetta, to the world that taught me life, to the world that gave me the best memories of my life
and today i say " WINTER N SPRING OF 09, THOSE WERE THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE" and a tear rolls down my cheek......
And one thing is sure, " The Sampark that flew out of India on 16th January 2009 wont be the same as the Sampark who flies in on the 11th of May"
Thank you, Sam, for very nice and apposite story, I would not express my feelings and thoughts better. I believe that we will all stay in touch, on facebook and skype either. I will remember you after one year, sure! I have a good memory:)
ReplyDeleteHopefully, we will meet again in India, the Czech Republic or even in Dijon...you never know..
Thanx a ton Karolina.... u were one of the best friends that Dijon n France gave me
ReplyDeleteThank u for everything.....