Monday, April 13, 2009


Everything is a learning experience. Nothing happens without a reason. So its up to u to see the positive side of the thing, learn from it and let it pass.
Even if it is like taking a new route to office or cooking something different it teaches u something new. People during times of trouble feel y is this happening with me, what they dont see is that they have learnt one more way of not doing the thing.

Guys learn to see everything from a positive perspective. If u break up with your girlfriend that also teaches u loads of things like dont be possessive or dont be emotionally dependent on someone.
Ur learning depends on ur way of looking at the event. The more positive ur outlook the more u learn.

Learning is the main aim of the soul. That is y it takes birth. To learn so that it moves onto the next plane. According to research there are 7 such phases before the soul finally obtains Nirvana. Everytime u take birth it is with a blueprint ready to learn. Once the soul has fulfilled the objective of each birth it passes for heavenly abode, to prepare and take birth again to continue its learning. I know this has got too spiritual but thats the

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