As I just sit free nothing to do I feel like writing about a really memorable period in my life, my high school days. My school life had not been very dramatic or sorts but these 2 years the fun and enjoyment that I had covered all the past years. Let me take you for a ride through these fantastic years in my life from 2003-05.
On the onset let me first introduce you to the important characters you will read about in my post. Among the guys you will meet Sandeep aka Sandy aka Saand, the Jat of the gang. Then we have Mayur aka Nildih aka Ungli. Maan this guy had fingers, they were long. Jagjit aka Jagu aka Sardar, the thinnest of us all but the one with the most excitement. Then comes the body builder, Rahul aka Idli aka Nadu. These names because he was the only south Indian amongst us.
Let us complete the gang with the girls. Rochana (Riya, Moti) the sweetest girl you will meet ever and my sister of over 10 yrs now. Ritu (Tillu), the most ambitious of us all well on her way to become the next Barkha Dutt. Pallavita (Palli, Tinchi), all she did was ride that khataara Kinetic Zing of hers and get tensed, hence, Tension Tinchi. Shreya (Choti), the short one of the gang and the one most pampered by others. Nisha (billi, bakri) ya thats what i called her. She used to sit in the class and just kept laughing and laughing. and whichever corner u sat in you would know nisha is laughing.The gang gets completed with Aishwarya (Assarja) and Pooja. Both of them were toppers and I wasn’t fond of both so barely spoke to them in school. Co-incidentally Pooja is now my best friend and Assarja, no more hard feelings for her anymore.
The rides to Sampath’s tuition (mathematics) and Shaw’s tuition (accounts) with Sandy used to be really memorable. The way we used to hit upon girls and play games like asking stupid questions like why is the cow in the middle of the road. After tuition we used to zoom out of class on our bikes. Mayur vs Sandy vs Rahul vs me with one of the girls as the pillion. As we raced through the streets of Telco Colony the girls sitting behind us used to shout out of their lungs for us to slow down. And Ungli never learnt to drive properly, he used to drive too rash even for my comfort. Still remember those samosa parties thanx to Rahul at Plaza Market. After tuitions then we would stop by at the Hari Golgappa to enjoy ourselves and then head off to Riya’s building to sit and chat. Still remember solving Great Expectations questions at Riya’s house on New Year’s Eve. It was more of sitting and eating than studying.
Spend some of my great times with Sandy, Mayur and Jaggu on my terrace. Sandy would surely remember admiring that lady who was playing with her kid in the building close by. We sat there and discussed everything from fantasies to aspirations to life to world.
Jagu was my study partner. Everyday after dinner I used to zoom off to his place to prepare for our high school exams and they were really fun times. We would sit, discuss, learn and then enjoy ourselves too. The hot cup of tea that his mom provided was really refreshing and then sitting in the balcony and staring into the hostel across the road. Jagu do u remember “reflection uncle”. He was the one on whose window we used to reflect sunlight and disappear as soon as he opened it to see where it came from. Then there was this day where that couple disappeared into the loads of trees down the road at around midnight. And when we would be tired of studying we would go for a walks and then freak out people on the lonely road at night. It was real fun.
Towards the end had fun studying experiences with palli n ritu at palli’s place as well. Then those trips to Bistupur with Ritu to get stupid things done and still remember the Cherry Fanta that we got for Palli. It sucked big time....
no story about those days can be complete without mentioning our great teachers Mrs Nair and Mr Shaw. Those classes were fun as the teachers would get fed up of us time and again. Those pranks that we played in their class. Those moments when Sandy and me stared out of the window. Those talking in signs across the class. Those days of teasing and linking up each other. Those talking in class. Those moments are now just memories.
Today 4-5 years have passed. All of us have gone our different ways. I have gone in mine but friends let me assure you. You were the best, you are the best and will always remain so. Those days will always be close to my heart, very close to be precise. Love u all......
Those days,those moments and those friends i miss and love u guys too.You people rock and i'm glad that i spend few of the most wonderful years of my life with u.I know those times r never going to come back,it never has,growing up sucks,but all of us have more responsibility on us and i guess its time to move ahead in life with those sweet memories in our heart "OUR HIGHSCHOOL DAYS".
ReplyDeleteToday i am miles away from u guys in a foreign land with foreigners searching for those familiar faces not a day is spent when i don't think about u all,but just one hope one day we will meet again and reunite & it would be the most auspicious day too see all of us making big in life.see u then .
Till then cheers to our friendship cheers to LIFE.
This has come up as a surprise to me!d 1st blog i m going through...hey ppl....all d names mentioned above were kinder garden friends,except me!i was d new found frnd of d lot...nd d love n warmth i hv received frm d gang is just unconditional n amazing.If i sit back and think bout frnds,its only these ppl who cum to my mind,til date wenevr in my hostel my roomies discuss bout their school gang,i just cant stop blabbering bout all f dem..God,i miss u all so much,n d funny part is dat i hv no idea whr sum f dem r!palli..ritu..nisha...hope u all doing good..nd lastly thanku thanku sampy...4 creatin dis blog...we all can b in touch this way...byeee...tk cr buddy..
ReplyDeleteHey....really nice 2 c dat evn tho u gt new friendz u still miss the old ones!!!!tk cre.....
ReplyDeleteu have missed out one thing. u have mentioned all our friends nick name but u didnt mention your nickname thats Mr. Chimp. well we had given him this name because 1st he looked like a chimpanzee and 2nd he most of the time acted like one. we basically became friends in +2 and then the group became bigger and bigger.
ReplyDeleteyou mr. chimp, i will never forget. you were the one who always told me what is right and wrong. always encouraging me and pushing me to work hard.well by the ways i dont drive rash anymore so the next time u sit with me for a drive, u dont need to worry.
i will never find friends like them who always stood beside me.
we have gone different ways, we are far from each other but each and every person of that group will stay in my heart forever.
well agreeing 2 wat mayur had 2 say,MR.chimp,u reminded me of those days,dose days were fun and had der on charm.
ReplyDeletetoday when i luk back i really miss d high schul gang and esp +2,sandy yes god till date i couldnt get things cleard is dat hw cld one speak soooo much sandy if u ever happen 2 read dis do answer dis sure,god yarr tum neend se utha utha kae logo se baat karnae mai vishwas rakhte ho!sampark urf CHIMP god he seem alwys lost in his thoughts of his moon,aaj tak koi mili ya nai-uska koi answer nai hai.god bless him hope he gts his moon soon.rochana c had nthin yaar my best +2 partner v used 2 keep jabberin at all classes(i used 2 chat by hidin behind chimp),at MRS. nair classes(last mai c came 2 knwand was like M TV hand behind my life gosh...)palli was far off not much encounters,ritu(titu as i call her)was a sweet heart v had loads of masti tughter(cant disclose)jaggu,mayur people were gr8 though nt much interactions den.rahul then shy has definately opend up.he's a gr8 frnd must say.
d ACCOUNTS CLASSES were fun wid sir shaw teachin more of a new language than accounts.