Here I sit at Paris Airport waiting for my flight back home. Another few hours the 4 month dream is gonna come to an end. The memories, the times , the people all gonna stay by me forever.
And as I am about to leave I would like to thank the beautiful country, France, for all that it has given me. Few hours back as we left Dijon we saw what all we had gained in these 4 months and also saw the great friendships that we were leaving behind. Kassy, Kwstas, Karolina, Gulcin, Yagmur, Alp, Astrid, all were there at the Gare (station) to see us off. There was no greater honour than that.
4.40 pm...Platform... the train is all set to leave. All of us stand at the door and emotions let loose. Kassy, Karolina and even Kwstas shed a tear or two. With the hugs and kisses and goodbyes the time ticks away.
4.52 pm...the door closes...and all these friends get left behind. I take my seat by the window and as the train starts moving. The name on the platform says, “Ville de Dijon” and it finally struck me. Maybe and most probably we will never walk these lanes again. The tears start rolling and the 4 months flash right in front of me. Every moment, every laugh, all those fights.....i will miss them all.
5.15am...Present day...Airport Charles de Gaulle terminal 2F...
Aishwarya asks me why I have that blank look on my face and I don’t have any reply for her. Its a feeling of getting left behind. Its a feeling of losing out on so many things. As we walked from ESC Dijon to Rue Gambetta there were so many things that I always came across. Waving HI to my friend at Le Bocadillo, I will miss doing that. Wishing “Bonsoir” to my sandwich friend at Rue la Liberte, Place de la Liberation, Chabot Charny, Wilson, the Avenue.
I still feel like going back to that house and fight with the others. “Who’s turn is it to cook today.” “it’s not my turn to go to Carrefour.” “Again you have cooked Rice, cant we have something else to eat.” “Why isn’t Ashok there to cook lunch.” Those were times yaar.
Aishwarya, Miss Accent, and her favourite statement “ I choose not to”.... MISS HS..... when we came here we expected a girl would eat less as compared to us but surprisingly she eats more than me. Reason.... “She doesn’t eat more than she pays” but neither does she eat less than what she pays.
Ashok and his favourite line... “Why am I being outcasted” “ I am not opposed to any rule.” The greatest thing used to be that every time he needed to be ready at a particular time Ashok would say, “ Nobody needs to wake me up. You want me to be ready at 10. I will be here at 9.58” but alas leaving him everyone knew that Ashok will never appear before 11. Someone who can spend 50 euros on roller blades just to use it twice.
Sunil.... Kantaal aa raha hai.... “you guys should only buy brown bread bcoz its healthy. Every morning dot at 9.15am Sunil Bhaiya would be at the dining table having a kings breakfast. Yaar if you cant sleep doesn’t mean that making so much noise in the kitchen and spoiling our sleep. “Why is that plate not washed. Why are u making so much noise. The rule is made, no more discussions on this.”
Mayank Tandon... he hasn’t changed at all... that birthday party, those pre birthday surprises... somethings should be left unsaid... From all those double meanings statements, he went on to become the silent assassin. Just observing and taking it all.
Eshan, the angry young man. Can u even imagine someone with the personality of him would lose cool so easily. He was the rule maker and the rule follower. It was us, the others who broke the rules.
The great jokes that we shared... “Aaaaaaah” “The man, his ducati and his glacier” and “the small red fruits”. The great plans of Sunil and mine to kill Aishwarya everyday but sadly she survived all of them. Sunil does plan to throw her off the plane mid-air. Hope so finally he does succeed before entering India.
I was also a butt of so many jokes but guys, thanx for those times as well. “Grogi” “Loveguru” “Bimar premi” “Consultancy” “Tharki”.
Those linking up each other with all those firangees. Sunil and his love for..... Ashok and his Takiya.... Mayank and Aaaaah..... Aishwarya and her Ghosla Baal waala firangee and “da man”( aishwarya asked me to change “the” to “da” right accent and Miss HS).... we didn’t even leave Eshan out... My story...Guys I don’t think I need to even mention where you linked me...
All 5 of you, Mayank, Eshan, Aishwarya, Sunil and Ashok... Thanx a million... It was the greatest honour and greatest pleasure staying with you. May not be ever able to thank you for all that you have taught me in this period. I couldn’t have ever asked for a better set of people and thanx to IMT and Mazumdar Sir I have found friends for a lifetime
Thanx a ton to all the people we met here who made every moment of this eternity worth dying for.
The Greeks....Kassy and Kwstas... you were just fabulous and incredible
The American....Kamilah... will always regret not saying a proper bye to you... you are The BEST....
The Czechs....Karolina....you are a SWEETHEART. Proud to have a friend like you...Jan n Barbora... It was a great time that I spent with you
The Turkish... Gulcin... Seriously the enthusiasm and excitement that I saw in you... will miss Miss Spontaneous Photographer... Yagmur... you were Great... Alp... Regret getting to know you so late....
The Slovenians...Tjasa n Lea.... Will miss the Beautiful Ladies a lot...
The Polish... Wiki... Miss Wierd Expression... but lovely to have around for a smile...
The Indians...Agraj, Ankur, Priya, Shivam, Dipin, Jennifer... Hope to meet you some day back in India...
Did I forget mentioning any French.... yes a loads of them to thank for.... Quentin, Sabrina and Barbora for the wonderful tourism team. Kamelia and Floriane for the great Management and Business Creativity work respectively. Yikka, will try meeting you some day in Hong Kong.
Bob and Elisabeth.. You were wonderful neighbours. Someday if God permits we will have another wonderful discussion like the one we had. You have great kids in Pierre and Mira and just wish all of you the very best in life
Our landlords... Could have never asked for anything better from them... Anybody reading this always pray that you have landlords like them... someone who would go out of their way to make their tenants feel at home.. Being it calling back home or be it taking us to the market and even the phone and the weighing scale we demanded
One of the best persons I met and some of the best memories that I had were in the French class with Mrs Fredrique Terrand.. Someone who took all our jokes so sportingly and will never forget the moment where in the final exam she told me, “Sampark I cant take this paper of yours.” I was submitting a disastrous attempt and this statement just showed how much expectations she had from me. She would scold us when we spoke Hindi in class and just loved it when she said, “Sampark, no tension, its like sleeping on the beach” “In France, teacher is the Boss” “Work, work hard” Shut up” Undoubtedly the best classroom memories I have ever had. At this point of French class how can i miss the wonderful times when Haajesh was in class. From the point where he told maam, " chalti hai kya coffee peene" to " where he kept saying," i missed only 3 classes " where he would have attented not more than that no. And the best of all pronounce Bonjour Monsieur they way u pronounce in English and not how u do it in French
Just a mention to all the other teachers that I spent some great classroom hours with. Be it Sabine Mueller(just no words to describe her), JP Bernard (one of the very few practical classes that I have had ever), Claude Chappui( love his knowledge on everything), A. Djoehana( loved the way he used to say, “lets ask our Indian friends.” Siobhan Alderson (a very short but impactful interaction with her. Maam, will miss your classes a lot” Christian Khulmann and who is at the 3 corners of the Marketing Triangle.
Will miss the Patisserie and Boulangerie opposite the school.... Pain au Chocolat and the Jambon Sandwich ( Sunil, How many dukkars, Pigs, have I eaten in France??

The beauty of France is just uncomparable.
Be it the lovely Eiffel ( visiting which was a dream come true) or Moulin Rouge. Finally in 4 months I did break my bad luck with Paris and did visit it twice. The 1st one on 14th Feb.. It was just the greatest thing that could have ever happened, “me in the world’s most romantic city on the year’s most romantic day.
Be it Besancon, it’s citadelle and, how can I forget, Pascal
Be it Beaune and its wine world with Mr Claude Chappui
Be it Lyon and its wonderful Roman Remains, the 2 rivers running side by side or be it the double decker Notre Dame Church. I couldn’t believe seeing 2 churches one above another.
Be it Nice and Cannes. Agreed the rain tried playing spoiltsport but the red carpet and the wonderful ride to the island, the secluded sea side on the island at Cannes and be it the rocky beaches of Nice
And finally be it the Marsanney Forest. The best hike that anyone can ever ask for. That climbing up the hillside and then losing our way to finally sliding down the hill. It was just fabulous
Or be it the wonderful city of Dijon....i can go on and on about it
In another few hours I will leave France but that doesn’t mean that I have fulfilled all my wishes. Amidst all these great memories a few things were left undone which would force to come back.
Missed a chance to have coffee at Place de la Liberation. Would have loved to have one under the wonderful summer sun with a slow breeze blowing across. As far as meals are concerned will come back to eat at JP Billoux, our very own JP Billu.
Would have loved to be here to watch the Tour de France or the French F1 grand prix but as of now am taking the Tour de France T-shirt back with me to remind me that I gotta come back for it. French Open also was missed.
Can even come during Christmas time for it has always been my dream to spend Christmas in another country. Alas not any grand Christmas celebrations in India
So guys it is 7.10 am....10th May 2009 and my time in France is finally about to end. I would soon be leaving for Terminal 1 for my check in so I gotta end
Miss you all, miss you France, Miss you Dijon, Miss you ESC, Miss you 28 Rue Gambetta, Miss my friends...
Will love you forever and always...whichever is earlier
Will write to all of you soon for the first time from India (Blogging was also a gift that France gave me). This is Sampark Sachdeva signing off from Airport Charles de Gaulle for the very last time from French Soil.
hi sampark!!! I am in love with your blog:D
ReplyDeleteit's really great!!! but let me tell you something....it was an honour for me to get to know you guys and to be able to be with you guys in your last minutes.....
take really good care and try to keep in touch....
I wish you the best and hope everything is well there....xoxo
by the way it's not anonymous...it's yagmur:D I just couldn't figure out how to post it:)))))yeah!!!I am that smart:P
ReplyDeleteone bad news buddy.... i couldn't succeed in throwing aishwarya out of the plane :(
ReplyDeletethats 1 unfinished business u shoud add in ur blog....cudnt get rid off her ;)
btw Mr. "Sampak"... arent u forgetting something?? the italian?? didnt even mention her yaar.... not fair :D
and yes u sure are right... not only u... even i have found some really good frnds to whom i wudn't have even talked to had this trip not been there.... :)